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A Guide to Utah Bicycle Laws

Ride Safely

Bicycling is popular in Utah, with many people taking advantage of the beautiful scenery and outdoor activities. With so many cyclists, knowing the state’s bicycle laws is essential. This guide provides an overview of these laws to help keep you safe and informed while cycling in Utah. We’ll cover helmet requirements, where to ride, when and how to yield, what light signals are used for night riding, and more. Knowing and following these regulations can help ensure everyone stays safe while enjoying all Utah offers.

Helmet Requirements in Utah

According to the Utah Department of Public Safety, any cyclist under 18 must wear a bicycle helmet that meets the safety standards set by the American National Standards Institute. They must also have a white headlight and a red tail light if riding after sunset or before sunrise.

Where to Ride in Utah

Cyclists in Utah are required to ride their bicycles on the right side of the road with traffic. Riding on sidewalks is only allowed if no dedicated bike lane is available. Additionally, cyclists can only ride their bikes on highways, freeways, or expressways if a designated bike lane or separate path is provided.

Yielding and Signaling on the Road

When riding your bicycle in Utah, you must obey all traffic laws as if you were driving a car. This includes yielding to pedestrians, vehicles, and other cyclists. Additionally, cyclists should use hand signals when turning to indicate their intentions to other road users.

Using Lights While Riding at Night

Cyclists in Utah must use a white headlight and a red taillight when riding between sunset and sunrise. The light must be visible from 500 feet away, and the cyclist must also have reflectors on their wheels, pedals, and ankles. This will help other road users see and avoid the cyclist in low-light situations.

Work With a Bicycle Injury Attorney

Bicycling is a great way to explore all that Utah has to offer, but it’s essential to be aware of the state’s bicycle laws. Knowing and following these regulations can help ensure everyone stays safe while enjoying their ride. If you are riding your bicycle and are injured by another person’s negligent behavior, know you may be eligible for compensation. The team at Steele Adams Hosman can help you pursue justice.

Learn more about how we can help with bicycle accidents or schedule a case review by calling (801) 999-1506 or visiting our website.